
Protester storms onto stage and disrupts NOS final debate on the eve of Dutch elections

Protester storms onto stage and disrupts NOS final debate on the eve of Dutch elections

In the Netherlands, the NOS final debate was briefly disrupted by a demonstrator wearing clothing with the logo of the political party LEF printed on it. He came on stage during a debate and shouted from close range at the politicians from VVD, NSC, and GroenLinks-PvdA that they belong to the “old politics”. He also told VVD leader Dilan Yeşilgöz that her party should “never come to power again”.

The demonstrator was quickly removed by security from the reception hall of the temporary House of Representatives. Although he continued to shout for a long time, the debate continued almost immediately.

It appears to be Daniël van Duijn, the leader of LEF. According to the polls, the new party has little chance and is trying to attract attention with striking actions. Van Duijn recently disrupted the broadcast of the discussion program Buitenhof by pasting a poster of his party on the window of the recording location.

The activist called Pieter Omtzigt an “old fart”. He then turned to Yeşilgöz and said: “Your party must never come to power again, you are letting people down.” He accused Frans Timmermans (GL-PvdA) that his party has handed the Netherlands over to capitalism.

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