Category: Talking Points

What topics did Vladimir Putin and Lukashenko address when they met in Russia?
Vladimir Putin‘s Conversation with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko June 9, 2023 Sochi Alexander Lukashenko, the president of Belarus, and Russian President Vladimir Putin met…

Morawiecki: Poland will not pay for the mistakes of other countries’ immigration policies
Immigration Policies “Forced relocation does not solve the problem of migration, but it violates the sovereignty of the Member States.” Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki…

US Supreme Court upholds 19th-century statute in civil rights cases
Reuters, June 8, Washington The US Supreme Court rejected a request to bar the family of an Indiana nursing home patient from suing over his…

Quo vadis, Ukraine? A conversation with John J. Mearsheimer | Max Otte
John J. Mearsheimer is one of the most prominent contemporary theorists in the field of International Relations. Upon their’s invitation, he came to Germany to…

Protest in the Netherlands: 1,500 people were detained, including celebrities
Police in the Netherlands detained around 1500 climate protestors after they blocked a key motorway near The Hague. Extinction Rebellion activists went to the A12…

The North Carolina legislature overcomes the governor’s veto of a 12-week abortion ban, making it law
May 16 (Reuters) On Tuesday, Republican lawmakers in North Carolina overrode the state’s Democratic governor’s veto to pass legislation that reduces the window for most…

Since 2017, the death penalty has reached new highs
Death Penalty: Due to secrecy in China, Vietnam, and North Korea, the organization for the protection of human rights, whose analysis exclusively covers legal executions,…

Pope Francis: Animals should not be used to replace children
Starting a family in Italy is becoming a “titanic effort” that only the wealthy can afford, according to Pope Francis. He stated dogs were replacing…

Rio de Janeiro will host the G20 Summit 2024
Reuters, May 9 – RIO DE JANEIRO The G20 Summit 2024, the world’s strongest economies, will conduct their annual heads of state or government conference…