
Affirmative Action Has Come to an End

Affirmative Action Has Come to an End

Affirmative action: US Supreme Court overturns race-based college admissions

The United States Supreme Court has held that race cannot be used to determine college admissions.

The historic ruling overturns decades-old US regulations on ‘affirmative action’.

The cases resolved by the court concerned admissions to Harvard and the University of North Carolina (UNC).


With this decision, the court outlawed “positive discrimination,” which had long been utilized on American colleges to raise the number of black, Hispanic, and other underrepresented minority students.

The United States Supreme Court has held that race cannot be used to determine college admissions.

The cases resolved by the court concerned admissions to Harvard and the University of North Carolina (UNC).

With this decision, the court outlawed “affirmative action,” which had long been utilized on American colleges to raise the number of black, Hispanic, and other underrepresented minority students.

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